5 easy steps to reduce your carbon footprint
Reducing your carbon footprint in these categories can have a massive impact! Especially if lots of us do it together!
1. Reconsider what you eat
Our diet can play a significant role in our carbon footprint- it’s not just what you eat but the processing, shipping and packaging all contribute too. If you can, considering supporting locally produced agriculture - check out your local farmers market for some fresh organic options!
Try a plant-based diet - cutting down on your dairy and meat is really impactful! Beef, lamb and cheese are some of the foods with the biggest carbon footprint. Have a
read here about how to make changes in your diet!
Another thing to consider is the waste you generate from food. You can cut down on your waste with initiatives like composting- which is great for the environment and your garden! By cutting down on waste, you’re making sure you don’t waste all the resources that went into its production.
2. Cut down on your energy bills
Reducing your energy consumption is not only environmentally friend but cost friendly too!
One of the most simple things you can do is UNPLUG your appliances; idle electronics consumer 44 million tonnes of CO2 every year!! If you unplug your devices you can save money and emissions!
3. Be mindful of your spending habits
Everything we buy has a carbon footprint associated to it. By choosing to shop sustainably- you can can have a real impact both socially & environmentally.
Why not try to give your self a challenge like not buying anything new for 2 months! Try to borrow or rent out items you may not use regularly- and when you are buying something new make sure it’s high quality so it will last.
Focus on the R’s: Refuse, Reuse, Repair, Recycle — especially refusing to buy goods with a lot of plastic packaging.
4. Be conscious of your travel habits
If you can walk or cycle! It is also better for your health :)
If you have to use the car consider carpooling for common journeys like travelling to work or picking up the kids from school. This way, you’re splitting emissions between the number of people in the car.
If you’re looking to purchase a new car, think about getting an electric one. Especially if you’re charging with renewable energy!
5. Stay committed & set goals
Setting goals and committing to actions with friends or family holds you accountable.
Did you know you can become net zero today by offsetting your carbon footprint? Whilst it is really important to be conscious of your footprint and take action to reduce it why not offset with a rewarding & impactful membership to kick start your journey!?
When you reduce your footprint you will need to offset less - think of it as a saving!
Thanks for reading!
Cat & Jo