Implement a sustainable supplier policy
Inspire behavioural changes to reduce energy usage
Go paperless
Develop a sustainable travel policy
Apply the waste hierarchy to the items you purchase
Acquire solar power for your business
Create an EV adoption strategy to electrify your company fleet
Set your CO2 emissions baseline
Offset your current emissions to become carbon neutral
Track your CO2 emissions on an annual basis
Separate your office waste
Generating clean wind energy, India - 5%
Cool Fire Traditional Land Management, Australia - 11%
Efficient cookstoves, Nepal - 25%
Coorong Lakes Biodiversity Conservation, Australia (stapled) - 25%
Accurately measure your emissions in a matter of days
Educate & engage your employees on the journey
Set targets and implement actions to reduce emissions
Easily & transparently share your impact
I'm so excited to join Trace and the other businesses putting climate action at the forefront of our business operations. An essential part of Volta Consulting's vision is for small businesses to embrace sustainable practices on their journey to a purpose-led future. Trace is removing the barriers for small businesses to achieve Volta's vision. My hope is that together, we can make a positive impact.