Help your landlord switch to carbon neutral / renewable energy
Track your CO2 emissions on an annual basis
Add Offsetting Clause for all standard Kin&Co Contracts
Implement a sustainable supplier policy - but in alignment with our wider BCorp goals
Apply the waste hierarchy to the items you purchase - This is built into our environmental policy
Set your CO2 emissions baseline
No meat purchased in catering/food and beverage
Separate your office waste
Go paperless
Generating clean wind energy, India - 5%
Cool Fire Traditional Land Management, Australia - 10%
Efficient cookstoves, Nepal - 24%
Coorong Lakes Biodiversity Conservation, Australia (stapled) - 27%
Accurately measure your emissions in a matter of days
Educate & engage your employees on the journey
Set targets and implement actions to reduce emissions
Easily & transparently share your impact