Win a 2-day Climate Action Adventure

August 2023

What do the experts think...

We're so excited to be part of Xerocon 2023. That's why we wanted to bring you the most exciting opportunity to partner with Trace, and make climate action your reality.

We are giving our accounting and advisory partners the opportunity to win the ultimate climate action adventure with Trace. We are giving away an all-inclusive 2-day trip for you to visit one of south-west Queensland’s most innovative carbon sequestration projects. Supported by our incredible partners Tasman Environmental Markets (TEM), you will have unparalleled access to climate action, in action. Joined by Taylor Fox-Smith from team Trace, and hosted by the TEM project managers, you will have the opportunity to learn about biodiversity, reforestation, carbon projects, carbon sequestration and so much more.

The winner will be drawn on August 25, 2023 by random selection and notified via email and mobile. Entries close on August 24, 2023 at 11:59pm.

What to expect: a little more about the project

TEM’s Wongamere human-induced regeneration project works with landholders to regenerate and protect native vegetation. Wongamere, in the Mulga Lands bioregion of south-west Queensland, has experienced land clearing, which significantly impacted local ecosystems. This degradation and loss of plant species threatens the food and habitat on which other native species rely. Clearing allows weeds and invasive animals to spread, affects greenhouse gas emissions and leads to soil erosion and salinity.

The areas include several indigenous plant species, which can provide important habitat and nutrients for native wildlife. By erecting fencing and actively managing invasive species, these projects avoid emissions caused by clearing and achieve key environmental and biodiversity benefits.

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