Tips On How to Celebrate A Climate Positive Christmas

December 2021

What do the experts think...

Christmas can be a challenging time for climate-conscious people.

Like everyone, we want to celebrate the end of the year and holiday season with the people we love, but the ‘traditional’ ways of celebrating often conflict with our eco-minded ways. As what began as a religious holiday has now turned into a consumption-based holiday, it’s estimated Australians spend 60 percent more of our incomes and generate 30 percent more household waste over the Christmas period!

But of course, this doesn’t need to be the case and it is possible to avoid inflating your carbon footprint over Christmas. But don’t just take it from us - here’s some inspiration from some of Australia’s most eco-friendly, climate-conscious business leaders on how they’re planning to celebrate Christmas in a climate positive way.

Montana Lower

Founder of Bluem, environmental engineer, activist (and more!)

“Personally - throughout the year I store anything that could be reused as wrapping paper and recycle/reuse it all at Christmas time (this also works for birthdays throughout the year). If you're short, wrapping in banana leaves always does the trick! Also this year our family has a rule to make our gifts from nature. I'm thinking I'll make my daughter some earth pigments to paint with and a magic wand, and I've got an inkling Papa will be making me a jewellery box out of wood found on our property.

As a business, we are continuing to offer $1 of every order to be donated to a charity of their choice and of course, ensuring every order is carbon positive! 

I think the best thing business' can do this holiday season is to not engage in the hysteria of sales and mass consumerism.

Our entire business is based on a zero-waste model…Over the holidays we love to create accessibility through sales but still ensuring we are protecting fair wages for our ethical growers in rural Australia and maintaining charitable contributions.”


Dan Adams & Chris Thompson

Co-founders of Amber Electric

Dan and Chris never switch off (pun intended) from transitioning Australia to 100% renewables, Amber's mission.

This holiday season, they'll both be enjoying Christmas lunch with their families instead of dinner, knowing that they will be using power when the sun is shining and there are more renewables in the grid. They are also both keen surfers, so instead of switching on the aircon during hot days, which is generally when fossil fuel companies make a large share of their annual profits, they'll head to the beach to cool down. 

Dan is also heading overseas to meet his partner's family for the first time - mindful of the impact that air travel has on the planet, he has offset his flights for the trip, ensuring he is doing every little bit to live more sustainably.

Mick Liubinskas

Climate-tech investor and Founder of Climate Salad

“We're trying as a family to be as sustainable as possible this Christmas and are trying a few new things.

50%+ of gifts are experiences, not 'stuff'...Under-cater with backup food to avoid waste. Don't travel just for Christmas, it’s better to do longer stays with groups over a longer period than to do lots of driving for short visits in a short period.”

Jenny Ringland

Managing Director & Co-founder, Green+Simple

“I am a passionate believer that spending time in nature is one of the most powerful (and beautiful) actions we can take when it comes to living a climate conscious life.

I am at my happiest outside, and not just in a beautiful location, but even being in bare feet in the backyard hanging the washing on the line makes me appreciate nature around me. Which in turn inspires me to fight harder to save it. 

So this Christmas I am planning on spending as much time as possible outdoors, and I am going to talk to my kids about how we feel outside, the things we notice, like the birds in the trees or the tiny butterflies in the garden and try and appreciate the world we have, which in turn will make us seek out ways to live lighter and better.”

How are you celebrating Christmas in a climate positive way this year? Use the hashtag #climatepositivexmas on Instagram/ TikTok/ Facebook and tag us (@our_trace) to let us know!

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